Men’s Health -Pre and Post Workout Nutrition
There’s no doubt that proper nutrition is essential to men’s health. Pre and post workout nutrition are probably the most important meals. This doesn’t mean neglect the contents of other meals. But before and after workouts are the most crucial times to 1) fuel your body for grueling weight training sessions, and 2) start the repair and recovery process. These two meals are vital to building lean muscle tissue, which in turn is vital to men’s health.
The most efficient way to do this is through protein shakes. For starters, you need instant protein so whey protein is the best choice as it is quickly absorbed. You also need complex carbohydrates for fuel. Low glycemic carbohydrates will give you sustainable energy. If you only take in simple carbohydrates, which are high in sugar, you may tire more quickly. However, a mixture of both complex and simple carbohydrates will work just fine. An example of a solid pre-workout meal is given below.
Pre Workout Meal: 20 grams of whey protein, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1 banana, 10 ounces of water
This is the one time that you need to spike your insulin levels so that you’re muscles can grow. Simple carbohydrates work here. Your post workout meal is probably the most important to men’s health.
Post-workout Meal: 40 grams of whey protein, 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of honey, 12 ounces of milk
These meals are the one’s primarily responsible for how much muscle you gain. To reiterate, don’t neglect your other meals, though; don’t use this as an excuse to not consume healthy foods throughout your remaining meals each day. Nutrition and working out all go hand in hand with men’s health.
Whey Protein
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